124. Anthonore Christensen (Danish, 1849-1926)
clockwise from top left
1. Still Life of Poppy, 1849, oil on cardboard, Galerie Paffrath
2. Forest Pond with Water Lilies, Frog, and Dragonfly, 1869, oil on canvas, Artnet
3. Agave from Palatinum in Rome, 1902, oil on canvas, Artnet
4. Forest Floor with Spring Flowers, 1897, oil on canvas, Artnet
5. Forest Floor with Globe Flowers, Forget-me-nots, and Butterflies, 1876, oil on canvas, Artnet
2. Forest Pond with Water Lilies, Frog, and Dragonfly, 1869, oil on canvas, Artnet
3. Agave from Palatinum in Rome, 1902, oil on canvas, Artnet
4. Forest Floor with Spring Flowers, 1897, oil on canvas, Artnet
5. Forest Floor with Globe Flowers, Forget-me-nots, and Butterflies, 1876, oil on canvas, Artnet